District Eleven Prevention (dp)
Waterways (dwp)
Serving the Waterway Users of California, Nevada, Arizona, and Utah
What do we do?
District Eleven (dpw) manages the safety of 73 different waterways in the Eleventh CG District. Critical waterways are reviewed every five years and the non-critical waterways are reviewed as necessary. Each waterway may contain federal aids or private aids to navigation. Federal aids are maintained by buoy tenders, Aid to Navigation Teams (ANT), and Coast Guard Sectors. D11 (dpw) handles the research in placing aids, obtaining the funds necessary, and ensuring the aids are kept on station.

Eleventh District Sectors
Helpful Information
Mariners are encouraged to use the Local Notice to Mariners, which provides updates and changes to waterways. Specific information is required for publication in the Local Notice to Mariners.
Private Aids to Navigation (PATON) are monitored by our PATON personnel.
Bridge Management handles all the research and regulations for obtaining bridge permits in the D11 area of responsibility.
If you have any specific questions, you can refer to our list of Office Contacts concerning your area of interest.
Report a Discrepant Aid:
If you have observe an aid to navigation that is damaged, showing an improper characteristic, appears to be off station, is missing, or is in any other way not functioning as intended, immediately notify the local Coast Guard Sector Command Center.
California has four Sectors, each is responsible for a specific area within our district. They can be reached on VHF Channel 16 or through the above numbers.