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Prevention Division (dp)


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The Prevention Division oversees regional domestic and Indo-Pacific U.S. Coast Guard Maritime Safety & Security operations in area spanning 12.2M sq. mi, encompassing 21 maritime nations & over 50% of world's shipping. Drives activities to prevent and mitigate maritime incidents in Hawai’i, Guam, the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, Singapore, and Japan while facilitating Trans-Pacific supply chain resiliency. Member of District 14 Commander’s Senior Advisory team responsible for developing regional vision, mission and goals that advance maritime governance throughout the Indo-Pacific.


Mailing Address:
Commander Fourteenth Coast Guard District
Attn: Prevention Division

300 Ala Moana Blvd, Room 9-212
Honolulu, HI 96850-4982 
Phone: (808) 535-3402

Emergency Contact Numbers  
District 14 Command Center (24x7) 1-800-331-6176 
Sector Honolulu (24x7) (808) 842-2600 
Sector Guam (24x7)  (671) 355-4910
Other Emergency Numbers
National Response Center  1-800-424-8802
Police/Fire/Ambulance Emergency  911